Professional teeth cleaning consist of two treatments that are performed during one visit. The first step is to remove tartar by ultrasonic scaler – it comes from the name of the process – scaling. The second treatment is teeth sandblasting, which removes hard residue from the teeth.
This procedure involves the removal of accretions on teeth created by mineralization of the plate (tartar). Rate of formation is dependent on the patient’s individual tendencies and the composition of the patient’s saliva. Tartar formation is principally caused by drinking large amounts of coffee, tea and smoking cigarettes, but the problem also applies also to people who do not smoking but are just very vulnerable to it. However, you can maintain a beautiful smile through daily brushing and flossing. Our dentists will help you learn how to properly clean the teeth using dental floss. It is very important in maintaining proper oral hygiene. Tartar formed on the teeth favors the formation of gums inflammation and periodontal. It also leads to periodontitis (exposing the teeth roots).
Sandblasting is a painless procedure that removes hard deposit and discoloration from the teeth surface. It involves directing a stream of special dental sand which has pleasant smell under high pressure. Most often this is a supplement treatment to scaling of teeth, but it is also often used as a single treatment cleansing the teeth even in the most inaccessible areas and restoring the natural shine.
Fluoride varnish
Appropriate prevention and hygiene allow you and your relatives to save time, money and emotions related to the visit at the dentist. That is why each of our dentists can give you the necessary information and suggestions regarding oral cavity care. Fluor is an essential element for healthy functioning of the teeth and it is important to provide the appropriate amount of it right from the moment of development of dental buds. The form of its delivery may vary, but nowadays the most often used is fluor in the form of varnish, gel or foam.Fluoridation is a procedure carried out under the supervision of a qualified dental hygienist or doctor. It involves the application of easily assimilated by hard tissues fluoride enamel, immediately after the teeth cleaning. Thanks to this simple treatment, fluorinated compounds protect teeth from the process of demineralization. The treatment is pleasant, painless and well accepted by younger patients.
Fissure sealing
Fissure sealing method is intended primarily for young people whose molars and premolars have not yet been attacked by teeth decay, preferably immediately after the eruption of the whole occlusal surface. Sealing protects teeth from harmful external factors (eg.sugar). The procedure itself involves cleaning the surface, drying the tooth by the air gun, diagnosis, application of the sealant. Once the dentist has the liquid sealant positioned properly, he will set it by using a “curing” light. The check-up is recommended every six months.
The vector system is a modern system for periodontal treatment (exposed teeth roots), which uses ultrasound energy. After the vertical tilting of the tool the energy parallely directed to the root launches the polishing fluid or abrasive fluid and tartar is removed from the root surface.
The vector system is used to prevent and cure gingivitis, periodontitis, mucositis and periodontitis around the implant. The vector system is used as well to clean the teeth from calculus and various kinds of plaques. What is more, the system is used for microinvasive development of hard tissue of the tooth, elimination of the overhangs and polishing the fillings around the subgingival.
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