Choroby przyzębia
The term periodontal disease comes from a time when problems with the gums were associated unambiguously with age-related changes of patients. Today we know that it affects even the 20- and 30-year-olds as well as children and untreated leads to teeth loss.
It is important to detect the problem as soon as possible. With the experience of our team and specially developed system of research, we are able to quickly recognize the disease and take appropriate steps in the direction of treatment, without the need for surgery. Caring for your health and a beautiful smile at each visit the doctor will assess the condition of the gums and propose possible options for care or treatment. The main predisposing factors for periodontal disease are: dental plaque, genetic factors, age, smoking, diabetes, osteoporosis, stress. Additionally – incorrect positioning of the teeth, overhanging fillings and prosthetic crowns.
When there is bleeding from the gums, bad breath from the mouth persist and brushing teeth causes sore of the gums, then it is necessary to do the check-up as soon as possible. Prolonging the inflammatory process can significantly extend the treatment. Gingivitis can also be a symptom of serious diseases (leukemia, diabetes). That is why prevention is very important for us, at the patient’s request we remind him/her about the next control visit combined with professional teeth cleaning.
In case of periodontal disease we suggest:
- curettage
- flap operation
- osteopathy
- covering of gumrecession
- frenulum undercut
- controlled regeneration of periodontal tissues (membrane, biomaterials, Emdogain)
Nasz zespół
Zapewniamy kompleksową opiekę stomatologiczną na każdym etapie. Każdy z naszych pacjentów otrzymuje podczas indywidualnych konsultacji wszelkie informacje niezbędne do zachowania pięknego uśmiechu. Zawsze pracujemy w duecie lekarz i asystent do wyłącznej dyspozycji pacjenta. Jesteśmy doświadczonym zespołem, który dba o regularne podnoszenie swoich kwalifikacji poprzez udział w profesjonalnych szkoleniach, targach i spotkaniach. Dzięki sprawdzonym i nowoczesnym rozwiązaniom zapewniamy całkowicie bezbolesne leczenie przy użyciu wysokiej jakości sprzętu i materiałów.
Umów wizytę
+48 604 555 704